Get to know me before we work together.
Hi I'm Stef!
Personal Branding Coach, Hypnotherapist & Photographer
I believe in having connection in everything before proceeding in working together, so if you want to get to know me a little first, this is the page! Hopping over to instagram (@thevioletstef) is a really great way to know me too as I love sharing my daily happenings in my Instagram stories.
Board Certified Master Practitioner in NLP, NLP Coaching and Hypnotherapy
I'm a quirky, violet and nature loving girl who lives with her amazing husband Ryan and cutest little dachshund Farfel / I believe laughing until you can’t breathe is the BEST medicine / I’m right-brained with a dash of left and the spice of neurodivergence / I think everyone should have a dog at least once in their life / I am an author / I think awkward situations become less awkward when you point it out and just laugh it off / wandering the forest is where I get my best ideas / I love ocean breezes or windy days in general / I will stop and dance weirdly in probably the most inappropriate or awkward situations / I sometimes, actually often, forget my words when I photograph, my creativity takes over more than sentences / my favourite number is 13 / I love learning new shit / I absolutely love building community / I'm keen telling people's stories because I think they deserve to be seen and work with their soulmate clients.
Over 16 years experience as a professional photographer. Colour theory specialist. Previously a professional graphic & web designer.
University Education in Media & Communications with Marketing, Business & Graphic Design. Website & Social media manager from small business to government level direct work experience.
Level 1 & Intrusive Energies in Natural Bioenergetics, Matrix Energetics, Orgonite certified and MJoy Integrative. Astrologer & intuitive card reader.
Being my own boss and building a business was a tough challenge, but I knew that if I really focused on a good brand, good service and used my knowledge of marketing, I'd be set, even if the idea of showing up online terrified me.
While I realized that being an entrepreneur and driving the way to my vision of my business was what I needed, I still dealt with lots of anxiety and depression and a lack of understanding of how I worked in this world. Luckily I was introduced to a holistic practitioner who helped me work through some of my past traumas and sort out my direction, learn who I was and giving me tools to ease stress and put focus into my life. Because of that experience, I broadened my own knowledge over the last half a decade so that I could help others shift the things holding them back on their path. Knowing that when run a business, the unconscious patterns we hold are equally as important.
With my thirst for knowledge, I was building an intensive brain library of everything from building a business to handling clients, astrology to SEO to design to photography to natural healing modalities.
After some intense reflection on my own life, learning to show up for my clients and restructuring my mindset, I knew that this was the path I wanted to take and help others get there too. Taking a shift from wedding photography which had been my photography focus for years, I re-niched into brand coaching & photography and brought in all my brand, marketing and mindset knowledge to bring you this business today. A focused, yet broad knowledge of helping you brand your brilliance.
My personal journey starts when I was a kid. I was always a bit on the weird side and at the time, didn't realize how sensitive I was to the world around me. So by the time I was in my early teens, I spent time building websites and creating. I dreamed of just "fitting in" but never seemed to be able to, this was the place I kind of did and brought me some comfort and joy.
By the time I finished high school, I was a national gold winner in web designer and headed to university where I got an associates degree in Media & Communications and studied business, graphic design and marketing. Though the graphic design I was mostly self taught. This is also where a professor encouraged me to take up digital photography and I was hooked!
Since I was a teen, I experienced severe times of anxiety & depression and it carried on into my life. Even after landing a dream job as a web & graphic designer at an amazing company on Vancouver Island, I felt constrained and unable to be me at times. Frustrated with just being "weird" and not really getting why I reacted to things the way I did. So I decided to pursue my other passion of photography, something that was mine and could be done in the way I wanted to. A new outlet. Soon realizing that I loved doing that, and I loved helping people feel good about themselves in photos.
After some time with that company on the island, I still felt like something was missing. I decided to move back closer to home, thinking some familiarity would help me figure out a direction and my long term goal would be to become a full time photographer, which I achieved a couple years later.
Personal Branding Coach & Photographer
Langley & Victoria BC Canada
Let's be friends on Instagram!