When to say goodbye to a client.

October 17, 2024

We talk a lot about soulmate clients here and with mutual growth between you and your audience, there’s bound to be times you just don’t fit with people anymore. There could be times you need to say goodbye and as we move through this season of change in fall, now is the time to figure out if you need to let things go. Or if we need to be more direct here: fire your client.

That can be really difficult. Especially considering income is involved. 

Here are a few situations where you may want to consider letting a client go – in the best interest for both of you:

Your values are no longer aligned.

Everything in your life and business is driven by what you value. If things have changed either for you or your client (or both) and these are a mismatch, then it could be time to pull the plug.

Boundaries are being crossed.

If your client isn’t respecting your boundaries or even if you find yourself bumping up against theirs (we are all human). This can cause future resentment and it may be time to go. Boundaries in biz are often in question in payment terms, communication or time commitments. 

You’re not fully invested in their success anymore.

This one is super hard as sometimes we do work that can be difficult and we just want to finish it. However if you aren’t that client’s cheerleader anymore, that’s not fair to them as you won’t do your best work. 

Someone else is a better fit.

Maybe they find someone or you know someone else. This is no fault to you or the client, it just is. Saying goodbye means opening room for someone who is a better fit for you. 

Knowing our soulmate clients also means assessing along the way what is no longer working, despite how difficult it may be. 

If you’re ready to start attracting your soulmate clients and knowing how to stay in alignment, consider checking out the membership where we have these conversations and more.

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Personal Branding Coach & Photographer

Langley & Victoria BC Canada

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