Remember when you were a kid and in order to make anything fun, you had to make it a game? Maybe even your parents did the whole food is an airplane going into your mouth so that it was fun. I think being on brand is kind of the game part of your personal brand. […]


Brand Coaching

I recently had the opportunity to go over to Nanaimo at the Bethelam Centre for a beautiful retreat that focused on celebrating the light that you bring to the world, something many of us struggle to take the time for. This location is just a short drive from Nanaimo city centre and the ferry terminals. […]


Brand Coaching, Brand Photography

Let’s be straight up here: when you invest in photography for your business, you should be getting a lot more out of it than you might be. Translation: are the photos moving the needle forward on your business? Here’s a few reasons why they might not be: What do your branding photos saying about you? […]


Brand Coaching, Brand Photography

I’ve been pondering this lately a little for my own personal brand, as I like to check in every few months with where I’m going, who I’m speaking to (soulmate clients) and how it is I’m doing that. It’s important to make sure you’re taking a look at who’s coming into your inbox (if anyone […]


Brand Coaching, Thought Provoking

Hypnosis is an excellent tool for helping you in your life, business and of course: personal brand because it helps you shift things about yourself that you may find difficult to do just by “willing it” It works on the unconscious level where most of your behaviours and beliefs are held.  Unlike what you see […]


Brand Coaching, Featured, Stef

Your personal brand is the image that is put out into the world and people make decisions based off it whether or not they like you, value your information and possibly buy from you.*


Brand Coaching, Featured, Thought Provoking

One of the most important things for me in my business is to work with people to find their Soulmate Clients. Because I wholeheartedly believe that working with people who light you up, respect you and cherish your work makes ALL the difference in the world of your business. So when it comes to MY […]


Brand Coaching, Brand Photography, Featured

You change as a person and so does your business, so you will find times you need a rebrand in your personal branding. This is how you know it might be time. At times throughout your progress, you need to check in with 3 options.  I usually say that your brand needs REFINEMENT every 3-6 […]


Brand Coaching, Brand Photography, Featured

Building a personal brand to support your business is about connecting with new clients right? I mean, why else are you investing your time into marketing?  Here are 3 ways you can do so outside of social media, with a unique twist on each.  Which one will you try first? Need help with some more strategy? […]


Brand Coaching, Featured, Thought Provoking

Your personal brand is ultimately to sell your talent, services or products to an audience.  The personal side is to help connect you with that audience.  But are you becoming too personal? Sharing too much of relatable “stuff” and not enough about the actual business?  If your personal brand becomes more about you and less […]


Brand Coaching, Featured, Thought Provoking

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I can't wait to connect!

Personal Branding Coach & Photographer

Langley & Victoria BC Canada

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