A lot of times people are surprised to hear a lot of the stuff I do or have done in my coaching sessions, or just in general. The list gets long from NLP Practitioner to Astrologer to Author to well the obvious – photographer.  If I told you about #allthethings that I could offer you, […]


Brand Coaching, Featured, Thought Provoking

One of my favourite things about working with people on a photography subscription is amplifying the consistency in their brand. In one photo shoot you get some consistency but in many you can have a variety of backgrounds, clothing, even hair styles and still have them fit together well.  Best of all, most of my […]


Brand Coaching, Brand Photography, Featured

Direct sales companies (some people may know them as MLMs) are fantastic for jumping into a business with not a lot of knowledge and not a lot of commitment. It’s perfect for someone who doesn’t have the time or the know-how to jump in and get started on an additional income stream! Sometimes they get […]


Brand Coaching

Contact Me

I can't wait to connect!

Personal Branding Coach & Photographer

Langley & Victoria BC Canada

Let's be friends on Instagram!
