Your personal brand is ultimately to sell your talent, services or products to an audience.  The personal side is to help connect you with that audience.  But are you becoming too personal? Sharing too much of relatable “stuff” and not enough about the actual business?  If your personal brand becomes more about you and less […]


Brand Coaching, Featured, Thought Provoking

I absolutely loved this session with Christina! She actually was one of my first clients to go through my new signature photography program and it was the perfect way to kick it off. With some initial strategy around her personal branding then curating the perfect photography session for her, we then met up at her […]


Brand Photography, Featured

I headed to New Westminster to photograph wedding planner Mallory of Waste Knot weddings. We got some great shots in Queens Park and at the New West Quay.


Brand Coaching, Brand Photography, Featured

Our personal brands are this amazing blend of who we are and who we help. After building my own personal branding, these are the things that I have found to be the most important, particularly from a mindset point of view and how you run things. I could go on but 10 seems like a […]


Brand Coaching, Featured, Thought Provoking

In the spirit of Cherry Blossom season coming out this week in Greater Vancouver, I’m sharing this post form a previous year where I photographed Dr. Sam, a local Naturopath in Vancouver. While the majority of her photos were taking in her beautiful bright office, we managed to sneak outside to the end of Granville […]


Brand Photography, Featured

Kristen is one of my many clients on a yearly program full of mini brand shoots so I was super excited to get to photograph her for the second time on this program and third time overall. I got to check out The Co in Chilliwack, a studio run by two photographers that really has […]


Brand Photography, Featured

Time is one of our most precious commodities. Everyone always wants more and doesn’t seem to have enough.  So why spend more of it on your Personal Brand?  The ROI (return on investment) You’ll get more of your time back in exchange for what you put in. Your Personal Brand allows you to… Focus With […]


Brand Coaching, Featured, Stef, Thought Provoking

Creating recurring income is one of the best ways to ease stress in your business so you can focus on growth. It can be done more on a passive level with evergreen programs, as payment plan style experiences or memberships. No matter what approach you take, it requires a few things for you to get […]


Brand Coaching, Featured, Thought Provoking

Darrell is one of those people that when you meet him, you know you’re lucky to! He’s all around a friendly, genuinely kind person. Which definitely comes in handy as a mortgage broker! Since we did his last session over in Victoria (he lives on the island), we decided to do this one in North […]


Brand Photography, Featured

Brandee came to me looking for some branding photos and coaching to promote her upcoming book: The Chain. After a few months of rescheduling due to her living in the interior, we finally got together in Langley on a very hot day. She was such a great subject though and you’d never be able to […]


Brand Photography, Featured

Contact Me

I can't wait to connect!

Personal Branding Coach & Photographer

Langley & Victoria BC Canada

Let's be friends on Instagram!
