Marketing VS Branding

June 9, 2022

Have you ever wondered the difference between BRANDING & MARKETING?  

Let’s talk about it.  


This is what you get people to FEEL.

Connection. Authenticity. Relatable. Understood. Heard. Appreciated. Excited. Moved. 


This is what you get people to DO.

Buy your product. Follow you. Invest in your services. Join your community. 

You need both

A good brand does nothing for you if you’re not getting people to also do things.

However marketing to someone without any feeling won’t get you the trust you need for action. 

HOW? 1 quick way…

Tell your story. This helps people feel connected to you and relatable.

Then market and connect your services/products based on your experience. 

Ex: I became a small biz owner because… …this makes me different in this way… …here are my services I think you’ll benefit from because that’s my experience created it. 

Try incorporating both as you create your content moving forward and let me know how it goes! Otherwise, let’s book a strategy session and see about getting both your marketing and personal branding on point.

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I can't wait to connect!

Personal Branding Coach & Photographer

Langley & Victoria BC Canada

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