Signs it’s time for a REBRAND (or REFINE / REALIGN)

November 29, 2023

You change as a person and so does your business, so you will find times you need a rebrand in your personal branding. This is how you know it might be time.

  • Your content is mismatch across channels – website, social media and print materials are no longer looking the same because you’re putting effort into one but not the other and your drifting away from the original vision. 
  • You want to change names, or even better: change from a vague name to YOUR name. Most people start their business with a name that isn’t theres, but with the evolution in personal brands and you know you are an authority in your field, you want to change to YOUR name. You need a rebrand to follow this. 
  • You feel like you want a shift in clients (or significant pricing/packages). As you shift, your clientele will as well. Making sure your business values align with your target audience is key in a rebrand. 
  • Your original brand was created on a shoestring budget with no intention behind it. Random colours, your friend’s niece did the work for her portfolio, etc. You’re ready for the serious Soulmate Client attracting version of your business. 
  • It just doesn’t feel like YOU anymore. Time to make it that way. 

At times throughout your progress, you need to check in with 3 options. 

  • Refine : does your personal brand needs some refinement? A few tweaks in messaging, mindset or offerings based on what you’re experiencing. 
  • Realign : do you feel your pricing, visuals or client targeting need some love because it feels “off”, spend some time to realign with where you are going. 
  • Rebrand : this doesn’t need to be a whole overhaul, but if you are a stage where what you want your personal brand to look and feel different than what it is, it might be time to consider it. See my previous post for some more tips on that. 

I usually say that your brand needs REFINEMENT every 3-6 months! Just check in, make sure things are working. Refinement is minor tweaks, often unnoticeable to many but you. A Realignment happens more as you feel it needs to and a Rebrand only happens if you are changing something big. 

What stage do you think you might be at? 

I offer amazing options at every step you’re at, let’s find out how we can move your personal brand forward in a rebrand, refine or realign process. Get in touch.

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Personal Branding Coach & Photographer

Langley & Victoria BC Canada

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