I’ve been pondering this lately a little for my own personal brand, as I like to check in every few months with where I’m going, who I’m speaking to (soulmate clients) and how it is I’m doing that. It’s important to make sure you’re taking a look at who’s coming into your inbox (if anyone […]


Brand Coaching, Thought Provoking

Personal Branding is a newer term over the last decade, and while it’s a subset of “regular” branding in general, it’s not the same.  What exactly IS Personal Branding? A lot of people understand what branding is, but what is the difference between regular branding and personal branding. Here are just some of the many […]


Brand Coaching

One of my new favourite places to photograph outdoor headshots in Langley is in the Latimer Heights area. This location has a variety of backgrounds and options that allow even for a quicker sessions to get a ton of options for your new headshots. Interested in doing your headshots here? Let’s talk. I recently met […]


Brand Photography

Time is one of our most precious commodities. Everyone always wants more and doesn’t seem to have enough.  So why spend more of it on your Personal Brand?  The ROI (return on investment) You’ll get more of your time back in exchange for what you put in. Your Personal Brand allows you to… Focus With […]


Brand Coaching, Featured, Stef, Thought Provoking

Creating recurring income is one of the best ways to ease stress in your business so you can focus on growth. It can be done more on a passive level with evergreen programs, as payment plan style experiences or memberships. No matter what approach you take, it requires a few things for you to get […]


Brand Coaching, Featured, Thought Provoking

If you know that…Energy follows intention You thrive when you focus on a goal Get distracted easily with shiny things Feel at ease when you have purpose Are happy when you have measurable results Then yes. A yearly word, phrase or theme is very useful. As it can help you with all these things. Do […]


Brand Coaching, Stef, Thought Provoking

This is by far the most PINK session I have ever delivered in a full gallery! And I love it! I always get super excited when I see the cherry blossoms show up each year, and every year I see the white ones first (with the pinkish white) and then jump into the task of […]


Brand Photography, Featured

Over my 30+ years in this lifetime, there hasn’t been a time where I haven’t been told…  “You’re too quiet”  “You’re too standoffish”  “Do you even like people?”  Yet at the same time I’ve been told  “You’re too loud” “You’re annoying”  “You’re too much”  “You are too nice to everyone”  Every time I was told […]


Brand Coaching, Featured, Thought Provoking

Two years ago I was feeling done with potential clients considering me as an option in the endless sea of photographers. Negotiating prices, ghosting me, me bending over backwards for no reward, all the fun stuff. Not to mention I was barely even on people’s radar as a life & business coach. So I decided […]


Brand Coaching

When I first launched the Subscription Program – aka “Subbies” – my goals were simple but incredibly intentional and purposeful: Create a community of like-valued entrepreneurs that I could surround myself with Have an affordable option for group Personal Brand Coaching & Photography Establish an experience unlike any other (there’s STILL nothing like this ANYWHERE […]


Brand Coaching, Brand Photography, Featured

Contact Me

I can't wait to connect!

Personal Branding Coach & Photographer

Langley & Victoria BC Canada

Let's be friends on Instagram!
